
Tapedeck punk
Tapedeck punk

You can Command-drag tapes out of the tape box to open the underlying audio files in, or copy them to, another application. TapeDeck also provides a number of features for sharing your tapes. You can then load these recordings into the deck to play them and edit their labels. m4a file you drop into the TapeDeck recordings folder-by default, located in ~/Music-or add using TapeDeck’s Import command will appear in the tape box. TapeDeck isn’t limited to managing its own recordings. Although these search features work well, it would still be great to be able to sort the tape box by, say, name or label.

tapedeck punk

You can also combine search terms for more-specific filters.


In addition to filtering by tape name and notes, you can use Spotlight-style search queries: color: to filter by label color quality: to filter by recording quality (hq, mq, or lq) and date:, month:, and year: to filter by full date (in M/D/YY or YYYY-MM-DD format), month (in text or numeric format), or year (in YYYY format), respectively. The tape box is sorted chronologically, but you can also filter the list of tapes using the search field. This is a nice safety feature, but I wish there was at least the option to continue recording on an existing “tape.” (You can pause a recording and then resume recording on the same tape, but you can’t come back to a tape later and add to it.) To prevent you from accidentally overwriting an existing recording, TapeDeck automatically creates a new tape each time you stop a recording and then start recording again.

tapedeck punk

(As with most of TapeDeck’s functions, you hear sounds and see visuals that mimic those of a real cassette recorder, although you can disable the sound effects if you prefer.) To listen to a recording, simply click it in the tape box the tape is immediately loaded into the deck. Each tape’s label includes the recording’s title, label, date/time of recording, recording length, and recording quality.

tapedeck punk

Click the Notes field, and you can add plain-text notes-the digital equivalent of liner notes.Īny recording you’ve made shows up in TapeDeck’s slide-out, scrolling “tape box,” which, of course, looks like an old cassette rack, allowing you to see the label for every tape. Click the title to edit it, and click the “side” (A) graphic to toggle the recording’s color label eight label colors are available. You can also customize the current tape’s label. A slightly slower speed would let you quickly scan recordings to find a particular spot. I wish you could adjust the forward-skimming speed, though, as it’s too fast for you to be able to understand most speech. A nice touch is that, just like its real-world counterpart, TapeDeck lets you skim through your recording (i.e., listen to the sped-up audio) by using the Rewind and Fast Forward buttons during playback. You can listen to the currently loaded tape using the playback buttons. During playback, a scrub control lets you quickly move around within a recording. The HQ setting records to Apple Lossless files at 44.100Hz MQ gives you 128kbps (stereo) or 64kbps (mono), 16-bit AAC files at 44.100Hz and LQ records to 48kbps (stereo) or 24kbps (mono), 16-bit AAC files at 22.050Hz. You can view the recording time and the recording and volume levels, and buttons let you choose between stereo or mono recordings, as well as to set the recording quality: high (HQ), medium (MQ), or low (LQ). Just above the record and playback buttons are a few useful controls and displays. Unfortunately, you can’t record audio that’s playing in other apps on your Mac. TapeDeck can pass audio through to your Mac’s audio output, letting you monitor your recordings in real time.

tapedeck punk

You choose the desired input using TapeDeck’s Preferences window, which also lets you choose which channel(s) to record, if applicable. TapeDeck can record audio from your Mac’s built-in microphone or any Mac-compatible microphone or audio device connected via USB, Bluetooth, or your Mac’s audio input(s).

Tapedeck punk